The Daily Tap Secret

Want to know a secret for Tapping success?

Just Do It! Let the Tapping do the work. You don’t have to think so hard!

Instead, try feeling what you feel as you Tap. That’s right. Feel whatever it is you’re feeling. Keep Tapping as you do. Allow yourself to find the feeling in your body. Get curious about it; where is it located? What kind of sensation is it? How large is the intensity of the feeling? Describe it to yourself. Allow it to be there, as simply a message. Don’t judge it, just feel it.

Then ask yourself: “Have I ever felt this way before? When? What was going on, then?”

Use that information in your next Tapping round. Whether you’re using it in classic EFT statements or in a curious, conversational style, Tapping will soothe the intensity of your feelings and clarify the messages the feelings carry.

Now you know a secret about Tapping: Stop thinking and start feeling! The Tapping does the work!



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