Caregiver Burn-Out? Compassion Fatigue?

Quickly learn rapid relief from everyday overwhelm, meltdown, and confusion.

Tapping is not for everything. Surprising?

Sometimes Life’s ‘everyday emergencies’ demand a different kind of Tapping.

That’s when we use Creative Tapping Techniques as strategic interventions.  They’re collected and taught in a course called  Emotional First-Aid for use in troubling times.  These times call for something different than the classic Tapping you have been taught.  We shorten and tighten the protocols for easy to recall, immediate use to reduce  the overwhelm, panic, shock and confusion brought on by our threat response systems.  And even better it helps to prevent our system from ‘encoding’ the trauma in our nervous system and minds.

Learning Emotional First Aid will show you how to quickly bring yourself or another back to the resourceful state – which means you could begin using those resources you learned!

Why Don’t People Remember What to Do in an Emergency?

Did you know that when your nervous system feels threat, your body immediately diverts up to 65% of your blood flow from your brain’s prefrontal cortex to your major muscles and respiration systems? No wonder you can’t ‘think’ or ‘use what you know’ in those times! The more stressed we are, the less likely we can access our ‘thinking brain.’

Learning how to do Emotional First-Aid is like learning how to survive a fire by practicing fire drills when things are calm. We learn resources best when we’re in a calm state; this way we’ll be able to take helpful, safe actions when a fire alarm sounds.

Emotional First-Aid is the kind of Tapping needed for the ‘everyday triage’ of Big T and Little T traumas and overwhelms. Over the years I’ve gathered a collection of fast & easy tools for speedy, effective everyday help to use on yourself, within the classrooms, workplace, workshops, private practice or public intervention. Prevent escalation and meltdown in yourself, your clients, kids, students and colleagues. You can learn to quickly return to a more resourceful state, making better decisions, and getting better results. And best of all?  You can teach others so that they’ll be safe, too!

It’s an essential part of any technique toolbox.  No experience required, yet perfect for even advanced healthcare training of all kinds.

Take a listen, now:


Adventures With Modern Day Shamans 


Emotional First Aid with Jondi and Gene