Your Best Tapping Buddy

Your best Tapping Buddy is YOU, of course!

What do I mean by that? Well, it’s the one person you can always count on to tell you the truth (if you will allow it), to be there for you, no matter what, and always available!

Tapping is a life-processing tool; Life needs processing! – most of us need ‘Life processing’ everyday. So why not use your best Tapping Buddy – that’s YOU – to Tap whenever discomfort, confusion or wounding happens?

Often folks tell me the they can’t Tap the same way as we do in a session or group. That’s true! It’s isn’t the same! A wholly different approach is needed when talking to ourselves. Ready for the Jondi-Recipe for Tapping with yourself?:

Tell the truth. The compassionate truth.

Set aside a few minutes each day, at an easy to remember time (example: in the morning/in the bathroom when first getting up)

Approach your Tapping as you would with a beloved friend or child.

Try using the mirror, so you can see how your entire face and body language can be involved. If it’s tough to see yourself for any reason, use my discovery I call ‘Iris Tapping.’

Get comfortable standing or sitting in front of the mirror

Allow yourself to watch yourself in the mirror, as you begin focusing in to one of your irises (the colorful part of your eye); seek a peaceful gaze there, until you feel grounded, still. You may notice your eyes begin to un-focus so that they are simply aware of the age, but not in detail, as you begin accessing your unconscious mind.

Using your chosen specific issue or concern of the day, begin telling yourself the compassionate truth about the situation you’re working on.

Quietly, slowly, honestly allow yourself to sit in the discomfort for at least long enough to Tap into greater clarity.

Now focus your Tapping on allowing the discomforting energy to slip away, harmlessly, into the Universe for recycling into something better.

Now return to your gaze to your iris; now widen out to encompass your whole face and observe yourself for at least a few moments with grace and compassion

Reinforce whatever your morning Tapping has brought you by repeating it out loud as you look at yourself in the mirror; rest a moment with this information.

If you like, take this great clarity into the ‘real world’ a little further: Ask yourself something like this: “Now that I see that, what could I do differently about it?”

I hope you’ll enjoy building a relationship with your best Tapping Buddy – YOU!

Here’s a video you can use then pass along:

Tap with Jondi in private sessions, or mentor with her all year long.  More details here.



Piggyback Tapping – Add Tapping To Your Day


2024: New Year, New You, New Structure!