Piggyback Tapping – Add Tapping To Your Day

Too Busy to Tap?  

Here in NYC, I often hear folks say they just don’t have time to Tap.  Which means they don’t Tap until long after they’re in trouble or pain or they’re already in steadily worsening situations. So what can we do about that?  We know Tapping is not just for when things are bad — we know that Tapping can actually keep things from getting ‘bad’ in the first place.

So I offer this idea: why not build Tapping into your normal day by piggy-backing it onto some other activity?  It’s easier to find time for daily Tapping (or maintenance Tapping) when we use it while doing something else.  For instance, why not apply it while….in the shower or bath?  While waiting for coffee to brew or food to cook or kids to come finally tumbling downstairs?  Or even in public – Tap when walking the dog, or when at stoplights or traffic jams.  When waiting in line.  Waiting on appointments or callbacks.  Or on your break, before or after lunch?  While waiting for your meeting to begin?

If you’ve seen my video on Tapping in Public, you’ll see how easy it is to do simple Tapping without drawing any notice at all!

So the next time you think about Tapping, but hear yourself telling yourself you don’t have time, give this idea a try. What could it hurt? : ) Answer: Nothing. It will only help.

Happy Tapping!



The Daily Tap Secret


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